Cheese and wine

The "cheese meets wine" evenings are back! Instead of a traditional cheese and wine tasting, you can enjoy an evening full of information and interaction in our wine cellar or at your home. Available in Dutch and English

During a cheese meets wine evening, I invite you to taste 5 wines and 5 cheeses that are each connected by a theme. To surprise you, there will of course be some lesser-known cheeses and wines. Possible themes: France (tour de France, cheeses come from the same region as the wine), Spain, raw milk cheeses, Belgian evening (available from November 15). An evening tailored to your taste and choice is also possible, contact us.

During such an evening, there will also be an engaging little quiz with fun facts, a brief introduction to cheese, and then plenty of tips on cheese and wine food pairing that I'll be happy to share with you as a cheese master and sommelier.


Bookable on a Friday or Saturday evening. Minimum 8 people unless you are willing to pay a surcharge.
There can be a maximum of 12 people per session.

The price per person is €36. The cheese and wine together suffice for a normal evening meal.

Prefer it at your home, workplace, or another location? Contact us via or at 0479/523158.
I will already provide the glasses, cheese, and wine.

Enjoy your tasting!